Now’s the Time to Plan Your Move
Now’s the time to plan your move if you’re thinking about senior living. It may seem somewhat early but there are a lot of things to get in order for [...]
All about you: 10 tips for warding off caregiver fatigue
If you are helping to care for a loved one, we at SilverCrest Properties fully understand how physically, emotionally, and mentally draining that role can become. We’d also like to [...]
Living Well in a Senior Living Studio Apartment
Studio apartments are most often linked to kid-free young adults. But there is another generation that are now choosing or struggling to choose whether a studio apartment is right for [...]
Having “The Talk” About Senior Living
Having the “the talk” about senior living can be a windy road to travel. As an adult child of a senior, you have many responsibilities, one is bringing up tough [...]
Dementia Care Consult: How to Respond to Repetition and Behaviors
It can be a difficult and demanding job caring for a loved one living with dementia. Not just with the physical demand but also the mental strain. We don’t understand [...]
The Changes in My Senior Parent
Normal forgetfulness like misplacing keys or forgetting special dates is just part of aging and is usually nothing to worry about. However, over the holidays, you may have noticed more [...]